Why is Aging in Place Important?
Have you ever asked yourself, “Why is aging in place important?” If so, then you'll want to read this entire article. Even if you haven't, you should read it; there is a wealth of information here, that is the foundation of a way to create the future you want later in...
Home Modifications for Vision Loss
Visual Impairments interact with other medical conditions, which in turn may affect one's ability to function safely and independently in their home. Two thirds of all persons with low vision are over the age of 65 and 25% of adults over the age of 85 will...
The High Cost of a Fall!
Most people want to live in their own homes for as long as they possibly can but did you know, according to the Centers for Disease Cotrol (CDC), over 2.5 million people have an emergency room admission each year due to falls, and over 700,000 require...
Don’t leave your home!
“I don’t want to leave my home!” This is a common comment that I hear most often in my practice as a CAPS certified, occupational therapist. Who can blame them? I truly understand this desire. Home is where our lives happen. It is where we are...